Navasakam Scheme 2025: Search Beneficiary, Login, Download Forms

YSR Navasakam Scheme Login | Eligible List | Navasakam Scheme Download Forms | YSR Navasakam Scheme Beneficiary List

The Chief Minister of the Andhra Pradesh Government has created the flagship program in order to provide various welfare schemes to the residents of the Andhra Pradesh state through which they can live their life without any financial difficulty. Given below we have shared some of the most important specifications regarding the We will also share with all of our readers the step-by-step procedure to do the login in this scheme and also to download the forms related to each and every scheme present in this flagship program. 2025

The concerned authorities of the Andhra Pradesh Government have created a prestigious program available for the residents of the Andhra Pradesh state in which various welfare schemes are presented by Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy. These schemes are implemented in order to help the residents of the Telangana state who are not able to get prestigious opportunities due to their weak financial background. There are a lot of schemes available for people to apply from and they can get an abundance of benefits through the implementation of these schemes.

Details Of YSR Navasakam Scheme 

NameYSR Navasakam Scheme
Launched byChief Minister of Andhra Pradesh state
ObjectivesProviding welfare opportunities
BeneficiariesResidents of Andhra Pradesh state
Official Site 

Important Dates Under Navasakam Scheme

Launched Date20th November 2019
Starting Date of Beneficiary Identification20th November 2019
Last date for Beneficiary Identification30th November 2019
Navasakam Beneficiary List Publish Date1st December 2019
Scrutiny of Applications2nd December to 7th December 2019
Objection Rage on List10th December to 14th December 2019
Selection of worthy Candidates15th December to 18th December 2019
Beneficiary List Release Date20th December 2019
YSR Navasakam Card Issue Date1st December 2020

Schemes Available Under

The following schemes are available in this prestigious flagship program:-

S.noName of the Scheme Details Of The Scheme
IYSR Cheyutha SchemeThis scheme has been launched by the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Mr. Jagan Mohan Reddy. Through this scheme financial assistance of Rs 75000(Rs 18750 every year) will be provided to SC, ST, OBC, and minority communities women over 4 years. This financial assistance will be provided to women whose age is between 45 years to 65 years. Through the implementation of this scheme, the government will promote entrepreneurship among women. In this scheme, the beneficiary would have the freedom to spend the money the way they want. The government has announced a budget of Rs 17000 crore for the implementation of this scheme.
IIYSR Pension Kanuka CardUnder this scheme, the government will provide pension cards to people whose age is above 60 years, whose family income is less than Rs. 10,000 per month in rural areas and Rs. 12,000/- per month in urban areas, total land holding is less than 3 acres of wetland or 10 acres of dry land or 10 acres of both wet and dry land together, monthly electricity consumption is less than 300 units, no one in the family is Government employee or pensioner (all sanitary workers are exempted.), not own 4 wheeler (Taxi, Auto, Tractors Exempted), no one is paying income tax and in urban areas who owns no property or less than 750 ft built-up area.
IIIYSR Aarogyasri CardUnder this YSR Arogyasari Scheme the government will provide help to all those whose annual income is less than or up to 5 lakh, Landholding less than 12 acres of wet or 35 acres of dry or a total of 35 acres of both, not have more than one personal car, who own no property or less than 3000 ft built-up area in an urban area and not a government employee.
IVYSR Kapu NesthamThis scheme is to financially empower Kapu women above 45 years of age. Financial assistance will be provided of Rs.75,000/-at the rate of Rs.15,000/- per annum by enhancing their livelihood opportunities and living standards.
VJagananna Amma VodiThis is one of the flagship programs announced by the Hon’ble Chief Minister under Navaratnalu. Under Amma Vodi Scheme financial assistance will provide to the mothers/ recognized guardian who is below the poverty line, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, and region. The motive behind this scheme is to enable the mother to educate her child/children from class I to XII. 
VIYSR Sunna Vaddi SchemeThe YSR Sunna Vaddi Scheme has been launched by the Andhra Pradesh government under the leadership of Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy. Under this scheme, the Government of Andhra Pradesh will work to provide financial assistance to poor women in the state. In this scheme, the Government of Andhra Pradesh will provide opportunities for poor women to earn a livelihood with the help of self-help groups. 
VIIYSR Nethanna NesthamUnder this scheme, the government will provide financial assistance of Rs. 24000/-per annum to weaver family who owns a handloom. The motive of the government is to modernize their equipment and to compete with the power loom sector. 
VIIIJagananna Vidya Deevena (RTF) & Jagananna Vasathi Deevena (MTF)Under this scheme, the government will provide Vidya Deevena Card for complete fee reimbursement and a Vasathi Deevena Card for food and hostel expenses of Rs. 20,000/- per annum to the students pursuing Polytechnic, ITI, Degree and above level courses in Government, Aided, Private Colleges.
IXYSR Vahan MitraYSR Vahana Mitra is a scheme launched with an aim to offer a financial allowance of Rs. 10,000 per annum to the eligible beneficiaries. The recipients of the scheme benefits will include the auto and taxi drivers who have qualified the certain criteria. This will help the beneficiaries to meet their daily expenses along with vehicle insurance premiums and license fees.
XRice CardThe Government has decided to issue new rice cards to the beneficiaries. Under this scheme, those families are eligible to get the benefits whose family income is less than Rs. 10,000 per month in rural areas and Rs. 12,000/- per month in urban areas, total land holding is less than 3 acres of wetland or 10 acres of dry land or 10 acres of both wet and dry land together, monthly electricity consumption is less than 300 units, no one in the family is Government employee or pensioner (all sanitary workers are exempted.), not own 4 wheeler (Taxi, Auto, Tractors Exempted), no one is paying income tax and in urban areas who owns no property or less than 750 ft built-up area.
XIHonorarium – Imams, Pastors, Muazams, and ArchakasUnder this scheme, the government has promised to pay an Honorarium to the Pastors, Imams& Muazzins and an increase in salaries to Archakas.
XIIFinancial Assistance to Nayee Brahmins, Rajakas, and TailorsUnder this scheme, the government will help BC community Nayee Brahmins, Rajakas, and Tailors by providing financial assistance of Rs. 10000/- per annum.

YSR Navasakam Scheme Application Procedure

To apply for this scheme you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:- Application Procedure
  • The homepage of the organisation will be displayed on your screen.
  • You have to click on the option called Downloads
  • The various forms will be displayed on your screen.
  • You have to download according to the scheme that you want to apply for.
  • You have to fill up the application form and keep it safe and secure for future references.

Secretariat Details Under

Given below are the details regarding the village and the ward secretariat available in the rural and the urban areas of the Andhra Pradesh state:-

  • Village Secretariat (Rural)
Post DescriptionPost CodeUser IDSchemes Handled
Welfare and Education assistantWEA99999999WEAPensions Kapu Nestham, BC(Tailor, Barber, Dhobi) Scholarships, Amma Vodi, Pastors
Panchayath Secretary Grade -IV Digital AssistantPDA99999999PDAArogyasri
Village Revenue OfficerVRO99999999VRORice Card
  • Ward Secretariat (Urban)
Post DescriptionPost CodeUser IDSchemes Handled
Ward Welfare and development secretaryWDS9999999WDSPensions, Kapu Nestham, BC(Tailor, Barber and Dhobi), Pastors
Ward Education and data processing secretaryWDP9999999WDPScholarships, AmmaVodi
Ward Health secretaryWHS9999999WHSArogyasri
Ward Administrative secretaryWAS9999999WASRice Card Know Your Secretary

If you want to know your secretary at then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • First, you will have to visit the official website of the scheme. 
  • The homepage of the organisation will be displayed on your screen.
  • You have to click on the option called Know Your Secretariat Know Your Secretary
  • A new page with all of the information regarding the ruler and the urban areas will be displayed on your screen.
  • You can check the list accordingly.

YSR Navasakam Scheme Login Procedure

If you want to log in using your credentials then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • First, you will have to visit the official website of the scheme.
  • The homepage of the organisation will be displayed on your screen.
  • You have to click on the option called Login Login Procedure
  • A new page will be displayed on your screen where you will have to enter your user ID and password.
  • You need to enter the captcha code and click on login to successfully log in. Staff Mapping Procedure

If you want to do the staff mapping procedure then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • First, you will have to visit the official website of the scheme
  • The homepage of the organisation will be displayed on your screen.
  • You have to click on the option called Secretariat Staff Mapping
Navasakam Scheme Staff Mapping Procedure
  • A new page with the details regarding the district will be displayed on your screen.
  • You have to select the important details related to your area and the personalized list will be displayed on your screen.

Timeline Of Issue

The different types of cards in the scheme will be issued according to the time period given in the table below:-

Scheme NameTime period
Rice & Pension CardsWithin 10 days
Aarogyasri CardsWithin 20 days
House Site PattasWithin 90 days with registration

Important Download Links

You can download the important links and the documents related to the scheme by clicking on the table given below:-

Volunteer Daily Survey ProformaDownload
JVD Fee Reimbursement ProformaDownload
YSR AarogyasriDownloads
Kapunestham ProformaDownload
YSR Pension KanukaDownload

Helpline Number