The population of the country has been divided into different categories. BPL is one of those categories. BPL stands for Below Poverty Line. Under this category names of all those people whose income & family status are weak. BPL Suchi List is the name list of all those people who came under this category. If you desire to check the New BPL List 2025, then you are on the right page here we are going to provide you with all the significant details in this regard.
New BPL List 2025
State government & central government-run various schemes including Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin), PM Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), PM Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (Saubhaya) & other welfare schemes for the economically weaker section of the country. To grab the benefits under these schemes, contenders must have their names on the New BPL List. बीपीएल सूची has been prepared in the census taking place in the country. State Wise BPL List has been uploaded on the official portals by the central government. If you belong to this category & desire to check whether your name is in the new list or not, then you have to follow the further mentioned few easy steps to check it.

Read more :- Pradhanmantri Berojgari Bhatta Yojana
Highlights of BPL Suchi List
- Article about- New BPL List 2025
- Issued by- Government
- Issued for- People
- Objective- to provide benefits under various welfare schemes
Objective of बीपीएल सूची
The major objective of the government behind releasing the बीपीएल सूची online is to save the time of the people & officials as well. Now the people need not go to the concerned department officials to check the list, they can check by following a few easy steps. BPL List can be checked in two ways- one is to visit the state website & the other is from the MGNAREGA portal. Detailed steps to check the list are given below.
BPL Card
People who came under the Below Poverty Line category will get BPL Cards from the Food & Supplies Department of the state. The BPL card is very important to get benefits from the government. You need to show or submit a copy of this card to get the benefits under any scheme of the government.
Benefits Of BPL List to People
People who have their name on the बीपीएल सूची will get various benefits from the government. The government issues BPL Ration cards to such people who come under this category. Those who have BPL Cards will get various discounts in health, education, government schemes, free/ subsidized ration from PDS shops, etc.
Also Check: Vidhwa Pension Yojana
Online New BPL List at MGNAREGA
To check the बीपीएल सूची via MGNAREGA you need to follow the further-mentioned steps:
- Click here on the official website link of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)

- This will display the home page of the website on the screen of your computer/ Laptop
- Now you need to select the following details as asked on the screen
- State
- District
- Block
- Panchayat
- Language
- Order by
- Raw in a single-page
- Hit the submit option and the list will appear accordingly as per your selection with the name, family id, category, etc.
- If you desire to take print of it give print command to get print out.
Online BPL List as per SECC-2011 data
- To check the list, go to the official website of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
- Choose your state name from the page that appears on the screen

- Select the following details on the next page
- Financial year
- District
- Block
- Panchayat
- Hit the proceed option & name list appear on the computer screen
State Wise BPL List
- To check the state-wise BPL Card List, you need to hit the link given below
- As you click district wise list appears on the screen
- Choose the name of your block & hit the link
- You can download by clicking the download link or take print by giving the print command.
Name of State | Total Households | Link |
Andhra Pradesh | 1,22,70,164 | Click Here |
Arunachal Pradesh | 2,60,217 | Click Here |
Assam | 64,27,614 | Click Here |
Bihar | 2,00,74,242 | Click Here |
Chhattisgarh | 57,14,798 | Click Here |
Goa | 3,02,950 | Click Here |
Gujarat | 1,16,29,409 | Click Here |
Haryana | 46,30,959 | Click Here |
Himachal Pradesh | 14,27,365 | Click Here |
Jammu and Kashmir | 20,94,081 | Click Here |
Jharkhand | 60,41,931 | Click Here |
Karnataka | 1,31,39,063 | Click Here |
Kerala | 76,98,556 | Click Here |
Madhya Pradesh | 1,47,23,864 | Click Here |
Maharashtra | 2,29,62,600 | Click Here |
Manipur | 5,78,939 | Click Here |
Meghalaya | 5,54,131 | Click Here |
Mizoram | 2,26,147 | Click Here |
Nagaland | 3,79,164 | Click Here |
Odisha | 99,42,101 | Click Here |
Punjab | 50,32,199 | Click Here |
Rajasthan | 1,31,36,591 | Click Here |
Sikkim | 1,20,014 | Click Here |
Tamil Nadu | 1,75,21,956 | Click Here |
Tripura | 8,75,621 | Click Here |
Uttarakhand | 19,68,773 | Click Here |
Uttar Pradesh | 3,24,75,784 | Click Here |
West Bengal | 2,03,67,144 | Click Here |
Union Territories BPL List | ||
Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 92,717 | Click Here |
Chandigarh | 2,14,233 | Click Here |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 66,571 | Click Here |
Daman & Diu | 44,968 | Click Here |
National Capital Territory of Delhi | 33,91,313 | Click Here |
Lakshadweep | 10,929 | Click Here |
Puducherry | 2,79,857 | Click Here |