Assam Ration Card List 2025: District/Village Wise List

The Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Assam has launched the Assam Ration Card List 2025 on its official website i.e.,  People used to have to wait in lengthy lines to acquire their ration cards, or to check the Assam Ration Card List but today you can apply for your ration card, check the ration card list, and many other things just from the comfort of your own home using the internet portal. This article will provide you the detailed information related to the Assam Ration Card like Objectives, Benefits, Ration Card Types, Documents Required, Eligibility Criteria, the Application process, Assam Ration Card List, and much more.

Assam Ration Card List 2025

The Government of Assam has launched an online platform for ration cards; however, only Assamese inhabitants are eligible to apply. The government provides rations at a very low cost that are extremely easy to obtain; however, you must have a ration card to do so, and those who do not have ration cards can apply at home by visiting the Assam online portal. A ration card is a document that is useful to state citizens. The ration card ensures that the poorest members of society receive an adequate amount of food. Your ration card will be issued free of cost and no fee of any kind will be taken by the government.

Assam ration card
Assam Ration Card
Read More :- Assam Voter List 

Highlights of Assam Ration Card List 2025

Name of the SchemeAssam Ration Card List 2025
Introduced byThe Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Assam
Scheme ForAssam citizens
Scheme ObjectiveTo issue Assam Ration Card online
Scheme BenefitsTo provide food to persons who are needy or struggle to buy food twice a day.
Official Website

Objectives of Ration Card List Assam

Ration cards are used to provide food to persons who are needy or struggle to buy food twice a day. Even now, numerous citizens in India sleep hungry every night and the government has taken initiative for them by introducing a ration card system to supply rations to needy people using ration cards. In India, many needy people can get the benefit of subsidized food and other necessities through the use of a ration card. Even a nationalized ration card is now provided to Indian citizens. This nationalized ration card can assist you in obtaining food supplies within the country. The ration card is, in general, the most crucial document for Indian citizens.

Assam Ration Card Benefits

In India, the ration card is quite an essential document as it has numerous advantages. The major benefit of the ration card is the presence of foodstuffs at a very minimal price since many needy people in India are unable to purchase foods for their day-to-day lives. Ration cards can sometimes also be used as a form of identity verification.

Ration Card Types

There are various types of ration cards available for the citizens of Assam state. The various types of Ration cards are as follows:

  1. APL Ration Card i.e., Above Poverty Line
  2. BPL Ration Card i.e., Below Poverty Line
  3. Antyodaya Ration Card
  4. Blue / Pink / Red Ration Card
  5. Yellow Ration Card
  6. Orange Ration Card
  1. APL (Above Poverty Line) Ration Card: Residents of Assam who are above the poverty level are eligible to apply for an APL ration card. There are no income restrictions for this type of ration card, thus anyone can apply for it.
  2. BPL (Below Poverty Line) Ration Card: A BPL Ration card can be applied by those families of Assam who fall below the poverty line. The annual income of BPL families must be less than Rs 27,000.
  3. Antyodaya Ration Card: Antyodaya ration card is for those families of Assam whose income is uncertain and who are classified as needy members of society. This ration card includes jobless individuals, labor, elderly men and women, and so on. The income of these families must be less than Rs. 250/- per month. Antyodaya ration cardholders are provided 35 kg rice for Rs. 3 per kg.
  4. Pink / Blue / Red Ration Card: These ration cards are given to those families of Assam who earn enough money to live above the poverty level. These cardholders are entitled to certain special subsidies, such as the ability to purchase kerosene at subsidized rates from ration shops. This ration card is are also available to those families that do not have access to gas or LPG.
  5. Yellow Ration Card: This ration card is given to all those families of Assam who fall below the poverty line. However, the income criteria are determined differently in each state for receiving a yellow ration card, depending on how the poverty line is defined.
  6. Orange Ration Card: Orange ration cards are also given to families of Assam who earn more than the poverty line. However, the income criteria are determined differently in different states.
Also Check: Assam Orunodoi Scheme

Documents Required

The applicants applying for Assam Ration Card need to submit the documents as proof along with their application form. The documents required to apply for Assam Ration Card are given below:

  • Family members detailed information
  • Proof certificate for not having a ration card issued by the Inspector, FCS & CA / Gaon panchayat president/village Head/ward Commissioner / or any other Concerned Authority
  • Birth Certificates
  • Income Certificate
  • Pan Card
  • Copy of Voter List
  • BPL Certificate
  • Address proof
  • SI number of BPL family
  • Driving License
  • Tax pays receipt of Land Revenue

Eligibility Criteria for Assam Ration Card

The applicants applying for Assam Ration Card must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • Aspirants must be residents of the state of Assam.
  • No other Ration Card should be used by applicants.
  • Families’ annual income from all the sources must be less than one lakh rupees.
  • The eldest man or woman in the family is eligible to apply for a ration card.
  • Families can apply for Duplicate Ration Card if their Ration Card has been lost or become defaced, mutilated, illegible.
  • Families that have moved to a new location are eligible to apply for a new ration card. A Surrender Certificate from the competent FCS & CA authority of the person’s prior residence is required in this situation. Along with the ration card application form, this document must be attached.

Step to Apply for Assam Ration Card 

Applicants need to follow the below-given steps to apply for the Assam Ration Card 

  • First of all, go to the official website of the Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, the government of Assam i.e.,
Apply for Assam Ration Card 
  • On the home page of the website, click on the ‘Apply for Ration Card’.
  • A new page will open on the screen.
  • Fill in the form with all the required information.
  • Attach all the required documents.
  • Finally, click on the ‘Submit button.
  • Once you click on the ‘Submit’ button an acknowledgment will be sent containing the Application number.
  • Save the application number for future reference.

Steps to Check Assam Ration Card List

Applicants need to follow the below-given steps to check the Assam Ration Card Village Wise List:

  • Click on the link provided here.
  • Assam Report on Category wise No of Ration Cards in Districts will open on the screen.
Check Assam Ration Card List
  • Now, select your ‘District’ name from the given list and click on the name of ‘District’.
  • For a selected district, the report on category-wise No of Ration Cards in Tahsil will open on the screen.
  • After that select a ‘Tahsil’ name from the given list and click on the name of ‘Tahsil’.
  • For a selected tahsil, the report on category-wise No of Ration Cards in Village will open on the screen.
  • Now, select your ‘Village’ name from the given list and click on the name of ‘Village’
  • ASSAM RC List for the particular village will open on the screen with unique RC Id, Applicants Name, Fathers Name or Spouse Name, and Card Type.

Assam Ration Card District Wise List

Click on the below-given links to check out the Assam Ration Card List District Wise

District NameDirect Link
BaksaClick Here
BarpetaClick Here
BongaigaonClick Here
CacharClick Here
ChirangClick Here
DarrangClick Here
DhemajiClick Here
DhubriClick Here
DibrugarhClick Here
Dima hasaoClick Here
GolparaClick Here
GolaGhatClick Here
HailakandiClick Here
JorhatClick Here
KamrupClick Here
Kamrup metropolitanClick Here
Karbi anglongClick Here
KarimganjClick Here
KokrajharClick Here
LakhimpurClick Here
MorigaonClick Here
NagaonClick Here
NalbariClick Here
SivasagarClick Here
SonitpurClick Here
TinsukiaClick Here
UdalguriClick Here

Steps to Lodge Your Grievance

To lodge the grievance, applicants need to follow the below-given steps:

  • First of all, go to the official website of the Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, the government of Assam i.e.,
Apply for Assam Ration Card 
'Lodge your Grievance’
  • A new page will open on the screen, click on the ‘Lodge your Grievance option.
  • A page will open on the screen, with two options:
    • Lodge your grievance
    • View Status of your Grievance
  • Click on the Lodge your Grievance option, a grievance form will open on the screen.
  • Fill in the form with all the required details and grievance descriptions.
  • Click on the ‘Submit’ button to lodge your grievance.

Steps to Check Your Grievance Status

Follow the below-given steps to check the status of your lodged grievance:

  • A page will open on the screen, with two options:
    • Lodge your grievance
    • View Status of your Grievance
  • Click on the View Status of your Grievance
  • Now enter your ‘Grievance Number’ and registered ‘Mobile Number’.
Steps to Check Your Grievance Status
  • Finally, click on the Search option and the status of your lodged grievance will open on the screen.

Contact Us

For further details or in case of any query or complaint related to Assam Ration Card List 2021 services, feel free to contact the Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Assam on the below-given details:


  • Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department
  • Block – E, 1st floor, Assam Secretariate
  • Dispur, Guwahati-781006, Assam.
  • Email Id:

Toll-free numbers: 

  • 18003453611, 
  • 1967 (BSNL only)